Frequently Asked Questions

  • Sometimes you will clearly have a roof problem and it is obvious. You might see a missing roof shingle or a noticeable water stain on the ceiling when it rains.

    Other times it isn’t as obvious. You may notice a wet spot after a windy downpour, which might just be water entering through a vent and not mean your roof needs repair. Or you might notice a wet spot in the ceiling, but is also near your air conditioner in the attic.

    The first step is to call us for a free inspection. From there, we can better advise you if the problem is related to your roof or something else.

  • We offer free roof inspections.

  • Admire Roofing does its best to have your roof replaced in 1 - 2 days after we begin (Size of roof and material availability may play a factor in time frame).